Crowdfunding and saving of Greece
Tom Finney, a British man, who in June started crowdfunding company in the sort of Reward crowdfunding, caused the stop of site IndieGoGo working. The main aim of this company was to help Greece to get out of financial crisis. It was the first attempt of public involvement to the real handling of a problem of the whole country and it showed the effectiveness of such methods of fund raising.
The main reason of failure in operation which happened on the platform IndieGoGo became unexpected amount of those who want to participate in start up. Crowdfunding servers are considered to be a successful business start because in a short space of time they help to find a bulk of like-minded people and to receive finances upon the favourable for a new project terms. Therewith, start-up budget of sponsors can be miserly and final amount can be very impressive.
The main example of such rapidly developing start up became Tom’s Finney company, thanks to which more than 800 thousand euro was raised. The second attempt became more resultative – during eight days 1 930 577 euro was raised. A bright idea to help country which faced financial disaster attracted a great number of those who wanted to participate in rebuilding of a country. The main aim of the project is to raise 1, 6 billion euro, necessary for paying off external debts of the country.
Reward crowdfunding is a type of crowdfunding which offers a gift if you debit some sum to the account of the project. For those who want to contribute three euro Tom’s Finney company presents a card with the autograph of the President of Greece. Members of charitable action who contribute six euro have a fair opportunity to taste Greek salad including home delivery. Those who contributed 25 euro can receive a bottle of wine as a present. 5 thousand euro, donated for the saving of the country, allows having a rest in the country of myths and legends, the cradle of civilization – Greece. But if you decided to contribute one million you would receive thankfulness of all Greek population.