Have you ever heard the word “coworking”? I bet you have, but do you understand the word’s meaning? I should confess, I also had no idea about this concept (so simple and attractive it turned out to be!) just a week ago. So, coworking is a place, where you can rent a working space with all necessary org-tech or a conference-room for some meetings or trainings at a very low cost; where you can rent a working space with internet and phone for hour or for a day; where you can get all comfy in an armchair or work lying on the grass and drinking coffee. Also coworking is an ideal place for some runaway freelancer, who gets fed up with working at home with all its domestics and nagging relatives (“go find a decent job at last or help me with a house at least instead of all this pointless typing!”) To make a long story short – it’s a brilliant idea, and not just for some free-lance artists, who work in graphic design or copywriting, but also for quite decent small companies and businessmen- beginners , who don’t need a permanent office and who are able to count their own money. And It is necessary to count their money for a lot of people nowadays, regardless of where they live and such, all because of our worldwide never-ending economic crisis. And coworkig is very profitable among other things, especially if you want to work at the city-center and not to pay some enormous office-rent. Do you need office just for three hours per week? – No problem, just get a timetable and come; and if you want to hold negotiations with your business-partners – you can rent a stylish conference –room for a couple of hours and negotiate as much as you like! You don’t need to think about cleaning-up or setting the alarms - leave it for somebody, who is in charge of the place. Need a virtual office? A secretary or a telephone girl? – just ask for whatever you want and you’ll get it by a moderate price.
Also coworking gives you an opportunity to interact offline with people, who are not very unlike yourself: here they are, sitting beside your desk and typing , surely you’ll find some interesting things to discuss, perhaps share some experiences or even find new partners and employers.
Coworkings first emerged about ten years ago in USA and Europe , and since then they’ve grown in numbers very quickly. As Spain have grown wiser during an aforementioned economic crisis, coworkings settled down quite nicely there. Spain is third in Europe in terms of coworking numbers for last few years.
So, why I’m even telling you all these? Firstly, to make a little commercial for my good friends from Barcelona, who opened up a new coworking – Oficina 24 – very recently, and it’s in a prestige city center too! And secondly, I just wanted to share with all interested this new idea of sensible organization of business and a place, where it could be done
Aragó 366,
Barcelona, Spain
9:00 - 19:00
Metro Tetuan L2
Metro Tetuan
Metro Verdager
Metro Girona
Renfe Passeig de Gràcia